
Project author - Aleksey Boyakhchyan

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By internet-project organizator

The idea of this internet-seminar came into mind during working for a PhD degree at Moscow State University, the Fuculty of Economics, the Department of economic history & history of economic thought. At first I thought that it should be connected with the Department, but then I faced a lot of organizational problems and in the end the seminar received the internet form. This type of form enables to save a lot of useful information about economic development of Russia and share it among internet users and scientists.

The main goal of this seminar is the increase in general knowledge about economic processes in Russia in the past, present days and the future on the basis of statistic materials. However the political aspect is neglected because we presume the principle, which can be entitled like «politics is being determined by economics».

Today project contains number themes which attract interest of russian and former soviet union internet users and also internet users worldwide.

Firstly, it is project library, wich consists of historical, statistic, methodical and cartographic materials, includind railway maps of Russian Empire, USSR and Russian Federation.

Secondly, dynamic map of Russian Railways Net in the period of 1838 - 1917.

Thridly, historical and statistic review Russian Far East in the times of Russian Empire, in the end of XIX - the beggining XX century. Including dynamic GIS-maps for population, production and freight volumes.

Fourthly, financial reports and financial analysis for companies of Russian railway industry, including JSCo Russian Railways.  

These themes temi s techeniem vremeni popolnyayutsya by new materials and reports. Postepenno budut dobavlyatsya novie materiali, dinamicheskie otchyoti posveshennie narodnomu hozyajstvu Rossijskoj Imperii, SSSR i sovremennoj Rossii. 


Aleksey Boyakhchyan.