I. Annual statistic report of Russian Empire 1904-1916


These statistic reports of Russian Empire were published by Central Statistics Committee of Home Affairs Ministry. They are crucial in case of Russian Ecomony in beggining of the XX research. Although they contain information that came from more serious and detailed statistical reports of the other goverment deparments it can provide the first data for your topic or survey.

Annual reports were published from the year of 1904 to the year of 1918. All of them came out in Saint-Petersburg but one, the last. Annual report for the year of 1916 was published in 1918 in Moscow and contains information only about population. Of course it can be mostly connected with the Russian revolution and civil war events. 

All annual reports can be found in special section of our library, which is devoted to Russian Empire Statistics. 

Year 1. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1904

Year 2. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1905

Year 3. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1906

Year 4. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1907

Year 5. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1908

Yaer 6. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1909

Year 7. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1910

Year 8. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1911

Year 9. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1912

Year 10. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1913

Year 11. Annual statistics report of Russia for the year of 1914

Year 12. Annual statistics report of Russian for the year of 1915

Year 13. Annual stattistics report of Russia for the year of 1916

The source for these books was found on the site of http://istmat.info/. Also they can be observed in the Russian State Library in Moscow. Due to our surveys we put some statistics infoemation from the annual reports from time to time on this site.

No doubt these annual reports contain a lot of mistakes and contadictions. On the one hand they can be explained as misprints, on the other hand the wrong data in the core source book (the statistic annual report of other department). That is why there is reason for crosschecking of the same data for the row of years. As an example in the Primorskay region in the Far East the population grew acctording to the annual reports from 200 to 500 thounds. It is not true because it can not be explained even by figures of Far East migration, which took place in the beggining of the XX century.

II. Cover Photos


The photos of covers can be found below.